How to Create Your Own Mock Trial T-Shirt Fundraising Store
Customized and Customizable Mock Trial T-shirts and your own fundraising store!
Our shirts are great for school fundraisers, school spirit, and just showing your fan support for your mock trial team!
Designs are created specifically to fit your trial case and theme. What a great memento for all!
- A mock trial store provides coaches and parents affordable, unique shirts while providing revenue for your state program.
- Coaches, parents and fans will be able to customize your case specific designs.
- You'll also be able to choose from some great 'generic' Mock Trial themed designs that you can also customize.
- 20% of gross revenue paid to sponsoring organization.
- Orders must be placed online to qualify for the royalty.
- No up front costs, no commitment beyond the first year.
- We just need your case info, to determine custom designs to fit your trial. You can help with any specific text, design and/or color requests.
- We'll need contact and mailing information for the person in charge of gathering fundraising monies.
- Then it's up to you, to promote your sell page, and you sit back and rake it in, at the end of your season!
If you'd like us to setup a store for your state or local level mock trial team, fill out our form HERE and we will contact you.
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