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Human Anatomy Augmented Reality Book - Student Edition

Human Anatomy Augmented Reality Book - Student Edition


Regular price $30.00
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Supplement your students’ understanding of the vital organs in the human body in full-color, detailed augmented reality (AR). Learning has never been so fun and interactive.

Benefits of teaching and learning using this AR lab manual:

  • Content is NGSS aligned.
  • Students can learn at their own pace.
  • Learning is enhanced by audio clips corresponding with each organ at multiple levels for differentiation.
  • Organs can be rotated and enlarged to view detailed structures.
  • Each organ contains two activity prompts that stretch students’ learning (e.g., question/answer, sketching, predicting, and comparing).
  • Lab manual contains glossary with pronunciation guide.
  • Content format is flexible and conducive to individual or collaborative learning.

"Never before have students been able to examine and manipulate organs in a visually true way-- this book delivers that!" - Wendy Martin

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What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects in the real-world are “augmented” by computer modeled content information (think of the First Down line when you are watching a football game on TV or the faces you can add to a Snapchat picture/video)

While VR is a completely immersive experience that requires additional hardware, AR is an enhancing experience that takes advantage of the hardware you already have (a smartphone or tablet) to show information about an object overlaid in the real world. By simply flipping over a card in a card deck, you can view the Solar System in 3D or examine a Mars Rover from every angle.

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